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First Week in The Greatest City in the World

I realize the title of this blog is extremely subjective but Boston is for sure the greatest city in the world. I love Boston because we have the best food, the best sports fans, and my favorite school in the world, Lesley University!

On Sunday morning, my favorite people moved me into Wolfard 507. It did not take as long as I thought but it was much more draining than I expected. I wanted to be excited and be ready to live this new life but I was feeling everything but. I love so many people that live in my little town and its surrounding towns that I didn't want to say goodbye even though it's only a 45 minute drive and an hour and a half train ride. I hung up my string lights and attached pictures of my favorite people and favorite memories. The more I decorated, the more at home I felt.

My mother and father left and I was still feeling strong knowing that if I cried, Jen (my mom) would too. My boyfriend stayed a little while longer knowing his goodbye would be the hardest for me to say. Once that time came, my tears were hysterical. I learned something here, no matter how you prepare, goodbyes are always hard even for the strongest people.

Walking up the next morning, I was very excited for the "New Student Boat Cruise" that would allow me to meet so many new people! I spent most of the night with my friends, Eric and Steve, then later found my roommate and spent the rest of the night with all 3 of them.

We then left the dance floor and spent lots of time talking about the music we loved to perform and listen to and how we were feeling about this year. It was nice to know I wasn't the only one missing a significant other which made the small pit in my stomach completely vanish. We all hung out until 1 AM chatting about life and what brought us the Lesley.

The next day was quite Bostonian of me, I walked 5.4 miles. I spent the afternoon with my amazing Miss America sister, Meghan Rubadou! Which was quite the adventure indeed. I used the day to learn how to navigate through the city with lots of fun stops on the way!

First, I tried a Blackbird Donut and it was AMAZING. It looked so good that I completely forgot to take a picture of the actual donut before devouring it!

We then made our way to Fenway park and just walked around Yawkey Way! Although it was an odd detour, we ended up at the ever so talked about Eataly! I found my place with the amazing cheeses available for purchase. I has never seen a wheel of cheese before and I assure you, for a cheese lover, it was worth the 18 year long wait!

Our last and final stop, was Copley Square where they have an impromptu farmers market pretty regularly! There we saw the freshest fruits and veggies! Everything was super affordable on a student budget AND they even accepted my debit card which is super convenient.

There were also many buckets of my favorite flower (sunflower) that were the brightest and most beautiful sunflowers I have ever seen. I will definitely be back there to buy some fresh flowers for my dorm room! My one and only purchase that afternoon was an adorable little succulent that my roommate and I decided should be called Larry. I've never actually had a plant of my own so I am hoping I can keep him alive for some time.

Needless to say, I think I am adjusting to this new way of life pretty well considering I am a girl from the small town of Rochester, Massachusetts. I am excited for the adventures that have yet to happen and all of the friends I have yet to meet!

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